Home > CBCO HIPAA Certification > CBCO Exam >

List Price: $325.00
Our Price: $325.00

Product Code: CBCO-EXAM

Certification Exam Enrollment:


Exam Content

The exam consists of 150 multiple choice questions.

    Passing The Exam

    Each question can be reviewed before submission. Once you have completed the exam, your final score is available immediately. CBCO Certificates are mailed upon completion and arrive in about 3 to 4 weeks. They are valid for one year from the date you complete the exam. A new certificate is sent each year to the credential holder after the recertification process is complete.

    Upon completion of the exam, you will be notified immediately if you received a passing or failing score.

      1. You must score an 85% or higher overall to receive a passing score on the exam.
      2. If you receive a passing score, you will be emailed a congratulatory notice pertaining to your CBCO credentials and obligations. A numbered certification certificate will be mailed to you within a couple of weeks. See CEU section below.
      3. If you receive a failing score, you will be eligible for up to 2 free exam re-takes.
      4. There will be a 30 day waiting period after each failing score before exam re-take access will be granted. (You should use this time to study!)

    Requirements & Required Materials

    • In order to take the exam, you must be a member of AMBA.
    • You are required to have a high school diploma or the equivalent in order to sit for this exam.

    Recommended Materials

    The CBCO Study Guide is optionally available through the AMBA in .pdf format that will assist you in taking the exam. The study guide is $199 and is available through our online store. This is an automatic download. The Study Guide follows the exam layout listed above and covers about 85% of the questions on the exam. This guide can be searched easily to assist you while you are taking our exam.

    Colleges, Universities, & Technical Schools

    Schools and teaching facilities that would like to make our exam available to their students can be set to easily administer the exam from our secure management system. Special discounted package rates are available that include the exam, study guide and a year membership to AMBA. Contact Katie Taylor [email protected] 580-369-2700 for more information.

    Renewal Requirements

    In order to take the exam, you must be a member of AMBA. You will be required to maintain an annual membership to AMBA. The cost of membership is $99, annually. You will also be required to obtain 10 continuing education units (CEUs) each year. Fifty percent of your annual CEUs should come through the association. You can earn all 10 for FREE by completing AMBA Webinars.

    If you need directions on how to complete FREE CEUs

    CEU Approval

    If you have a product you would like to submit to AMBA for prior CEU approval consideration or know of one please let us know.

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